About Associated Hair Professionals

Associated Hair Professionals (AHP) is an association for independent stylists and barbers who want next level success. AHP offers real protection, real benefits, and real talent for the real professional. Membership with AHP includes:


Professional Liability Insurance  •  Education  •  Community  •  Career Support

AHP is committed to elevating the industry. We want hairstyling and barbering to be regarded with the admiration and appreciation they deserve and for hair professionals to walk around with their heads held high, knowing they are educated, respected, appropriately compensated image-makers capable of changing lives.

AHP’s primary purpose is to serve the needs of each member, providing you with the tools for success. We’re focused on delivering excellent service and exploring ways to add value to your AHP membership.


Contact Us

Associated Hair Professionals (AHP)
25188 Genesee Trail Road, Suite 200, Golden, CO 80401
Phone: 800-575-4642
Fax: 877-680-7546
Email: getconnected@associatedhairprofessionals.com

Please note: We have recently updated our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Learn more...