CALL TO ACTION: Nebraska Hair, Skin, and Nail Services at Risk of Being Taxed

Sales tax on hair, skin, and nail services? Say it with us: Not in Nebraska!

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has proposed sweeping tax reforms for the state, and hair, skin, and nail services are at risk of being taxed because of it. Historically, these services have been exempt from sales tax. Governor Pillen has proposed eliminating a long list of existing sales tax exemptions—including services provided by cosmetologists, estheticians, and nail techs—to pay for wide-ranging tax cuts.

If Legislative Bill 1 (LB 1) is passed into law as written, cosmetologists, estheticians, and nail technicians will be required to start remitting sales tax.

We need your help to alert Governor Pillen and Nebraska lawmakers so this can be fixed before LB 1 becomes law. Use your voice to make a difference in your profession! Reach out to the governor and your state senators to let them know that hair, nail, and skin care services must be removed from Governor Pillen’s proposed list of tax exemption eliminations. Find your senator here.

Here is sample language that you can build off in your letters to the governor and state senators:

Nebraska cosmetologists, estheticians, and nail technicians need your help to amend Governor Pillen’s proposed tax reform bill and protect our profession. Historically, these services have been exempt from sales tax. Governor Pillen’s proposal, if passed into law, would damage the small businesses that provide these essential personal and wellness services across the state.

My peers and I respectfully request that you and your colleagues work with Governor Pillen to correct this oversight and remove cosmetology, esthetics, and nail services from the list of services to be taxed in Legislative Bill 1. Please do not allow these important professions to be taxed!

Associated Skin Care Professionals, Associated Hair Professionals, and Associated Nail Professionals have submitted a similar request to all Nebraska senators and Governor Pillen, and we will continue to work with your state government to fix this language before it becomes law. Thank you for your advocacy!

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