Remember guys, the definition of success is to accomplish an aim or purpose. An aim or purpose is a goal. It goes without saying, goals are essential to being successful. But to accomplish goals, you have to set them. July is the perfect midway point to revisit your goals, note your progress, and plan the second half of the year with your annual goals in mind. Take the time to not only make goals, but to track them.
It’s great to have a wild BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), but in order to actually make your dream a reality, break it down into smaller SMART goals to get you moving in the right direction. Read on to learn how to set SMART goals.
Here's a SMART goal example:
“For the duration of 2017, I will have a 75% retail sale percentage. I will sell at least one product to three out of every four clients that sit in my chair, and maintain this average for at least three weeks out of every month.”
This goal is SMART because I’m specific about what I want to accomplish. It’s based upon metrics that are measurable, not just feelings. I know it’s achievable because I’ve been hitting 75% in retail sales, just not consistently. It’s realistic because there is definitely potential and opportunity to maintain 75% retail sales. And I have put a timeframe on the goal; I would like to accomplish this before 2018.
After designing a SMART goal, it’s essential to create and implement action plans to accomplish the goal.
SMART goal action plans can be as simple as, “Every day I will:”
1. Look at my book at the beginning of the day to decide what each client may need, appreciate, and want.
2. Tell every single client about the specials we’re running.
3. Put at least one product in every client’s hand to smell, feel, and try.
If you’re currently experiencing a slow-down on your books, July is the perfect time to revisit, reevaluate, and rewrite your goals and action plans. Be the most successful hair professional you can be by setting and smashing your goals!
AHP members, don’t forget about these valuable goal-setting and tracking resources available to you.
And, of course, here’s our FB Live from yesterday on the topic of goals for all hair professionals.