Nebraska Legislature Introduces Cosmetology Compact Bill

  • Improve portability
  • Reduce red tape
  • Ensure safety

Full tank of gas? Check. Cosmetology tools? Check. Multistate cosmetology license . . . Almost. Sounds like a great idea, right—a license that allows you to leave your home state and practice in another? Well, it’s a possibility that Nebraska wants to make a reality!

In early January, the state legislature introduced Legislative Bill 82 (LB 82), which would adopt the Cosmetology Licensure Compact (Compact) and simplify interstate cosmetology practice. Essentially, LB 82 will make it easier for licensed cosmetologists to work in other states.

To date, seven states have already passed the bill language: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Kentucky, Maryland, Tennessee, and Virginia. Cosmetologists in these Compact-participating states will soon be able to obtain a multistate license, so long as they have no encumbrances against their license in their home state. We think Nebraska should join these states and adopt the Compact so Nebraska-licensed cosmetologists can also temporarily work across these Compact states without long application wait times or a hiatus between practicing.

Associated Hair Professionals (AHP) is in favor of LB 82 and sent a letter of support to the Nebraska legislature ahead of an upcoming committee hearing. If you believe an interstate license would benefit cosmetologists, write a letter to your representatives. Feel free to model your letter after ours and share your experiences with lawmakers. Find your elected officials here. Let’s advance safe and effective licensure mobility solutions together!

Learn more about the Cosmetology Licensure Compact here.

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