Accomplishing goals, like real #Goals, requires planning, strategy, motivation, commitment, determination, will power, and community.
You need a community surrounding you, holding you accountable, and lifting you up when enthusiasm fails. An online community is great. But can you imagine the power of a real-life support group that gets together every month to inspire, grow, and uplift each other? That’s what you need to make 2019 different than every other abandoned-resolutions year. And that’s what you’ll find at AHP Roots gatherings.
If you haven’t looked into the meet-ups that are happening among hair professionals in your town, there’s no better time than now. Throughout the month of January, fellow hairstylists in towns across the country are getting together to set, strategize, and support each other’s #Goals. And it won’t stop there. Each month they’ll continue getting together to learn new things, bounce ideas of each other, and bond as accountability partners.
AHP Roots are Real Talk, Real Connection, Real Community!
Find an AHP Root near you or email us so we can help you (providing everything you need and tons of support) start your own!